The Metropolitan Water District and local water agencies across California have taken action in the face of record drought conditions.
Many water agencies are encouraging customers to step up conservation efforts.
We are dedicated in facilitating all efforts to lower your utility bill and conserve water resources.
With the shockingly lower-than-predicted scale and impact of the El Niño Storms, the drought is still severe in southern California. As a result, Governor Brown’s 2009 mandatory water restriction of 25% and replacing all properties’ toilets and urinals into high-efficiency units by 2019 are still in effect.
By retrofitting to AmGreen’s 1.0 gpf (gallon per flush) premium high efficiency toilet, our customers save up to 38% on their monthly water bill and water usage.
You must be an owner/management company of APT(s)/Condo(s)/Hotel(s)/Motel(s) within the Metropolitan Water District’s area. You must submit a copy of the property’s all pages of recent water bills to AmGreen for verification of eligibility to the toilet replacement program. And if the customer qualifies for a rebate, he or she must to submit the remaining paperwork such as signed Amgreen contract, customer release form and any documents necessary to Amgreen to fully process the rebate.
Once Amgreen receives the complete paperwork and any documents necessary, AmGreen consultants will make an appointment with the owner/property manager to pre-inspect the current existing toilets for any technical issues. After inspection, an AmGreen consultant will then coordinate the installation schedule with the owner/property manager.
Any special equipment must be removed such as Bidet and any existing pipe issue must be fixed prior to installation. Then, our technician will replace your toilet. There may be some fees applied for some parts such as hose/angle stop (valve) at your cost if it is necessary.
After the installation, post inspection will be performed by City of Inspection Agency and schedule may vary.
Savings on your water bill begins the moment your new high efficiency toilet is installed in your property or residence. Just change toilets and enjoy the better, high efficiency toilet knowing that you have contributed to saving the environment and putting more money in your pocket.
Our installation technician will replace your toilet and complementary parts such as the hose/angle valve if it is necessary.
The rebate from the MWD will cover:
1) Product cost (the tank and bowl of the toilets, toilet seats, and wax rings).
2) Installation labor (which includes 1 year labor warranty and 3 year manufacture warranty).
3) Disposal of old toilets.
4) Parts such as hose / angle stops (i.e., valves) will only be free up to 5% of all the property’s installed toilets by the contractor.